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Medium Compound


The Number 6 and color yellow represents the medium compound go kart tire we offer

Balance, Speed and Longevity

Our medium compound tires are the number 6. These tires have the perfect balance of grip and longevity. Made for those who want a more speed and grip. Designed for diamond ground or sandblasted surfaces.

Go kart type

Fast rental karts

Go kart tire sizes




Life in hours*


Grip level

Medium grip

Side wall strength


Number of plys

4 Medium


The letter L stands for Light weight and more flexible side wall

Balance, Speed and Light

Our 6-L has a very similar durometer to the 6 compound. However, it does have a shorter life cycle. In place, the 6-L offers more speed and grip in the corners. This is due to its lighter weight, softer side walls, and thinner plys

Go kart type

Low HP rental karts

Go kart tire sizes


Life in hours*


Grip level

Less grip

Side wall strength


Number of plys

4 Thin

*All life in hours information was determined and tested in specific optimal conditions and is not guaranteed

All Compounds. Racing. Slick. Grippy. Hardest Hard Medium Soft and Softest Compounds 10x4.

Learn about our other compounds

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